The DubClub Story
The DubClub founding team played football and baseball together at Stanford, then remained
friends after college.
Like many sports bettors and sports fans, we triumphed together. But we also lost together. Through
it all, we did our best to utilize the timely information shared by countless premium sports
content creators (known as “cappers”) to better inform our bets.
Input from cappers was useful, but the methods to receive their timely content containing betting
advice were unreliable. We found ourselves refreshing websites, sifting through social media
timelines, and jumping in and out of Discord servers.
When we paid cappers for their advice, a great dynamic ensued: Cappers made money from our payment
for their content, and we lost money less frequently. Thus, DubClub was born to make cappers
more money and enable their subscribers to receive valuable content reliably. From the early
days until now, we are obsessed with building a world-class product for a network of like-minded
people, so everyone can Win More Together.
Since our founding, we have facilitated tens of millions in payments for cappers and delivered
hundreds of millions of messages containing informational sports betting content. People make more money and more informed sports betting decisions with DubClub.
We are backed with capital from leading venture capital firms, public company consumer internet
founders, and Hall of Fame athletes.

What "DubClub" stands for
" Dub " verb. Slang for the word Win. " CLUB " noun. An association of people with common interests. " DubClub " product. Where people Win More Together